Tag: pixies

Pixies: A Visual History Site Redesign

I was pretty sick for a few weeks recently, which was a perfect time to redesign the Pixies book website. It was something I’d wanted to do for a while, so not being able to talk on the phone or really go anywhere gave me the chance to do some new things with it.  I installed a new WordPress theme, set up a new WooCommerce cart system and really started from scratch.  I think the site looks great and really does a fine job of showcasing the book. What do you think?  www.pixiesbook.com

PIXIES: A Visual History, Volume 1 is FUNDED!

pixies-a-visual-history-part-1That’s right! PIXIES: A Visual History, Volume 1 is FUNDED! We successfully raised the funds needed to produce and publish PIXIES: A Visual History, Volume 1. This means my collaborator, Aaron Tanner, and I will have a busy Summer getting it all together and off to the printer to ship out this Fall. Thanks to everyone for the support! Volume 2 will be out in the Spring of 2014!

For more info, go to the project’s Facebook Page.

PIXIES: A Visual History, Volume I


Shipping Summer 2014

Exciting news! After many years of working with the Pixies, I am working on a brand new project with them.  Called PIXIES: A Visual History, this 2-volume hardcover will span the complete history of the band, from the 80’s to present day. To get the project funded, I am turning to Kickstarter to release the limited edition of the books, but if all goes well there will be a trade edition released sometime next year.  My good friend and long time collaborator, Aaron Tanner of Melodic Virtue, is providing the design.